Download Anime Videos – Pros and Cons of Downloading Anime From Free Sites

Davion W asked:

Anime has swept across the world in an unstoppable wave. Many fans are interested to download anime videos for free. There are naturally others who prefer to buy and collect the original full version in DVDs. It is a matter of choice and we will look at the pros and cons to download anime videos for free.

Pros of downloading anime videos from free sites

Obviously, it is free. And most people like free stuff. There are some online sites that host free anime video series for download.

There is another source of free anime. You may have also heard of fansubs. Fansubs are basically the translated and subtitled versions of the original copy. They are produced by anime fans. Anime in its original form is in Japanese language. The subtitles as well as the audio are in Japanese. Fans in different countries took it upon themselves to change the subtitle and audio language to their local language and host them online for free downloading. So you also get the anime videos in your own native language which in most cases is English.

Cons of downloading anime videos from free sites

Sad to say, there are problems when you download anime videos from such free sites. Other than fansubs, you have other free download service that offer free anime movies, videos and so on. These sites are known to put your computers at risk of getting infected with computer viruses, adware and spyware. Many users have complained about the annoyance of commercial advertisement pop-ups that cannot be killed and viruses that drastically slow down their computer speeds.

Another problem is some of these fellows actually put up licensed copies for downloading. You can get into trouble when downloading licensed anime videos.

One of the biggest killjoy is also that many of the videos are not full versions. They are either incomplete or sometimes poorly subtitled.

Another con to mention here is that these anime series can continue to run if they remain profitable to the anime developer. If people keep circulating pirated copies around, their sales could be affected and in the long run, it may not be worthwhile for the Japanese animation developers to carry on with the sequels. This is sad fact and many fans would definitely protest.

Anime is a powerful media that connects fans around the world. It would be so sad if one day, our heros such as Naruto or Innuyasha cannot continue their journeys because fans are downloading pirated copies and not buying downloads.

Find out how you can download anime videos conveniently and cheaply at my anime blog.

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