Category: Society

A Cashless Society: a Future of our Own Making

Martin Mcallister asked: The notion of a cashless society has been around for quite some time. The first mechanical cash dispenser was built by Luther George Simjian in 1939 and was installed in New...

A Civil Society Bill of Rights

Ian Wendt asked: I reserve the right to be opinionated, to speak, to strongly hold ideas, ideals or ideologies, and to advocate them. I reserve the right to make truth claims, to hold positions...

Skepticism in Today’s Society

CD Mohatta asked: The topic might have been more true in olden days when ignorance was bliss. It is not as relevant with todays society. Skepticism is a part of human nature and will...

Failure of Muslim Societies

Nawaz asked: It is necessary that we Muslims face up to the reality that the Islam that we profess, practise and preach today is not working. And has not worked for a long time....

Opposing Views of a Post-racial Society

Roland Laird asked: After Barack Obama won the presidential election I found myself in conversations with White people who were beside themselves. In their minds the election of a Black president meant that we...

Islamic Society

Nawaz asked: The social part of the Divine Revelation provides us with laws intended to guide the course of social evolution. Islam has developed a political Organization based on eternal principles of the Quran....

Relationship Hypotheses: Language and Society

Fatina Sarwar asked: Posing the argument “our definitions of language and society are not independent: the definition of language includes in it a reference to society”(1), Ronald Wardhaugh (1986)in his book “An Introduction to...