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Obama to rabbis on health care: “We are God’s partners in matters of life and death”
Obama to rabbis on health care: “We are God’s partners in matters of life and death”
Beware anonymous commenters and bloggers, your glory days may be numbered; a former model may have just killed the Internet as we know it. Liskula Cohen has just successfully forced Google to hand over the identity of the person who had …
As Sean McManus, who is President of both CBS News and Sports, tells Mediaite, Sunday was a success for both departments in conjunction – and was another example of the continued impact of one of the longest running news shows, …
The researchers pint out that there are still several roadblocks before we can see the use of DNA origami in computers – even after the ‘placement and orientation problem’ has been solved. For example, what is the best material to act …
Apple technology keeps gaining respect in the executive suite, with businesses and in the data center. Jason O’Grady and David Morgenstern deliver critical news and penetrating analysis that managers need to succeed.
Market research firm NPD today reports that Apple’s iTunes was the number one music retailer in the US for the first half of 2009 with 25% of unit sales. Apple’s share of the total market is up fro.
Better late than never with this announcement, but The Brooklyn Kitchen is giving two more Food Science Fridays demonstrations this month at their store in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 at 4PM: IT’S ELECTRIC!
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The NY Times’ David Carr writes about AOL’s transformation from gated-community ISP to content powerhouse. And while AOL deserves a ton of credit for righting a ship that appeared destined to to sink, a closer look at how the Internet …
Ever since submitting a proposal to the National Summit on Arts Journalism for NewMusicBox/Counterstream Radio, I’ve been scratching at the concept of “reinventing arts coverage” in my head.