Is Systems Development an Art or a Science?
Tim Bryce asked: This is an important question which is ultimately at the heart of a lot of the problems in systems and software development. There is one camp that believes development to be...
Tim Bryce asked: This is an important question which is ultimately at the heart of a lot of the problems in systems and software development. There is one camp that believes development to be...
Andrew asked: Taking a closer look at a thorough comparison made by the author of the article between the factors able to highlight the difference between the two fields of knowledge, we may clear...
In this case, then, animals are more rational than we are. Whereas we’re willing to lose a couple bucks so that the other guy gets punished for his inequitable offer, chimps only act according to what will guarantee them the most …
Callers to the Michael Smerconish’s radio show on Thursday fought through their nerves to ask President Obama about the nuts and bolts of health care.
Physics Today: In one of the first examples of embedding a video player into a print magazine, the US television network CBS has paid Entertainment Weekly to play a 40-minute video in the 18 September issue. Ironically the ad mentioned …
The debate over health care legislation reminds me of the debate over the USA Patriot Act back in 2001 (albeit with the politics more or less flipped). In both cases, the legislation was very technical and difficult for a non-expert to …
His conviction hinged on what he calls “junk science .” In 1989, Barnes was convicted of raping and strangling to death 16-year-old Kimberly Simon on the evening of Sept. 18, 1985, in Marcy, N.Y.
Friday, August 14th at 1pm marked the opening event of the Midtown Games : Olympics, and was attended primarily by the city’s punch-drunk, heat-stroked interns. With the blare of a foghorn the crowd closed in like a shield, trumpets sang …
With the newest update to PlayStation Home , 1.3, a new, and much wanted feature, will finally be implemented.