iTunes Captures 25% of the U.S. Music Market – News: iTunes Captures 25% of the US Music Market. News: iTunes Captures 25% of the US Music Market.
Wikipedia Commons 2 28 Barbeque Block Party Kansas City As part of the American Chemical Society’s big meeting last week, they hosted a chemistry-themed barbecue reception.
Like “Increasing amounts of time spent on computer and internet activities” — increasing since when? By how much? Mine has been increasing since I was 16 as access became faster and more available.
Current economic trends in the United States, including the housing market and employment rates, led to year-over-year performance declines for home improvement vendors such as Lowe’s and Home Depot.
Here’s some recently unearthed home movie footage of Disneyland in 1956, the year after it opened. The footage was shot by Jeff Altman’s grandfather using a Bell & Howell Filmo and 16mm Kodachrome film stock and includes a scene of his …
The Internet cafe monitoring software MC3 Cyber Cafe Software has been primarily been designed to record and monitor activity on computer systems in Internet .
This October, 1967 Playboy article on computers and their limitations features an all-hands computer debugging session in which the machine’s minders grab their “trembling screwdrivers” and leap into the “machine’s intestines.” …
The current ish of Entertainment Weekly has a tiny video screen embedded in a two-page CBS ad that auto-plays when you turn the page. The screen is controlled by a slim PCB sandwiched between the pages.