Internet Security Alliance Calendar of Events | CIO – Blogs and …
Review the state of play of cyber security for the government and the private sector, including recommendations on how to create a more productive public-private partnership.
Review the state of play of cyber security for the government and the private sector, including recommendations on how to create a more productive public-private partnership.
The Black Hat conference unfolds in Las Vegas this week with an agenda set to expose exploits as varied as tapping power outlets to capture keyboard signals and closing up holes in the use of the secure protocol that protects online …
Domino’s Pizza lost about $77000 in free pizza due to a weak password on an online promotion that wasn’t supposed to go live — a type of security problem that is all too common, according to a presentation slated for the Black Hat USA …
Hi i have a problem configuring my computers I have 2 computers running windows xp sp2. I have installed virtual pc on both of them and installed windows.