Charlie Stross and Paul Krugman talk science fiction and economics …
One of the highlights of this year’s World Science Fiction Convention in Montreal was sf writer Charlie Stross chatting with sf fan and Nobel economics laureate Paul Krugman.
One of the highlights of this year’s World Science Fiction Convention in Montreal was sf writer Charlie Stross chatting with sf fan and Nobel economics laureate Paul Krugman.
Paul Krugman joined the round table discussion on ABC’s THIS WEEK and highlighted the misleading CBO report on the costs of health care and he singled out Doug Elmendorf as the culprit.. Krugman: I think I should say something about …
Quoting Buchanan and linking to one of Ostrom’s books hardl proves that cooperative, mutually advantageous arrangements to better supply health care would happen if government removed its bulky, blind, and burdensome self from this …
There are in fact plenty of people who buy their health care in a more or less free market setting, most of all in Latin America but all over the world. It’s far from obvious that these markets fail in efficiency terms (“compared to …
I’m surprised that Paul Krugman, writing in today’s New York Times, points to Massachusetts’s three-year-old program for creating universal health -insurance coverage in that state as a model for America. Krugman himself – in a column …